Potty training is the process of teaching a young child to use the Potty( a smaller bowl-shaped device) for urination and defecation. The success of Potty training hinges on both the physical and emotional readiness of the child, rather than specific age. Some children start as early as 2 years old, others start later. It depends on individual, it has nothing to do with intelligence.

There are however certain skills that your wards must have or master before Potty training starts;
She must show interest in the Potty chair/toilet
She should be able to follow simple directions
She should be able to indicate through posture or facial expression that she wants to poo
She gets easily irritated by wet or dirty diapers
She should be able to pull up/down her Pants herself
She can sit and rise from a Potty chair

The best way to start is by maintaining a positive attitude and carrying along other of your child’s caregiver; babysitter, nanny, grandparents, etc. This will make consistency of the process possible even if you are not available as a parent.

GET A COLOURFUL POTTY: The major equipment needed for this process is a Potty,  get a colourful one. It always easier to start with a Potty chair because, it’s alleviate the fear of sitting on the toilet seat which is a common fear amongst children. Potty chair gives children a sense of security and balance, their feet can be put on the floor, this also makes it comfortable for them. The Potty does not necessarily have to be in the bathroom, you can put it in a corner in your child’s room, the success of this process also have to do with how accessible the Potty is to your child.

CREATE A SCHEDULE: In the process of training, you need to fix a Potty breaks for your adorable. It will help her get used to the Potty, and also associate pooing and weeing with Potty.   you can make it a routine by making her sit on the Potty for few minutes  first thing in the morning and last thing before putting her on bed at nights. Stay with her while she is sitting on the Potty,  sing her favourite rhymes with her. Let her watch you dump bowel movement in her diapers into her Potty,  this will also help her to know the purpose of Potty.  Have her practice hand washing with soap and water after every of her visit to her mini toilet...this is part of the training.

PROMPT RESPONSE: Signs such as, squatting, squirming, holding of genital area by your child are ways of telling you she wants to go. These signs must not be overlooked, but must be responded to promptly. Your child will learn faster through this by associating these signs with going to her Potty.

REINFORCE EVERY LITTLE ATTEMPT : Every of your child’s attempt to use her Potty whether successful or not must be reinforced. Praise her using nice and warmth phrase “am so proud of you”.....and other of such. This will serve as a source of encouragement to her to want to always  go to the Potty.  You can also get the sticker of her favourite cartoon characters  and stick to her fore head or on the Potty for every attempt made by her.

GOOD BYE DIAPERS: After several weeks of successful Potty breaks, to a large extent you should be able to ascertain whether your adorable is ready. If your assessment of her is yes, then it’s time to say good bye to diapers. Replace diapers with training pants or underwear. But always ensure to keep your child in easy to remove clothing, so that she won’t have to battle with the undressing process as soon as nature calls.

NOT READY....BACK OFF:  That resistance put forward by your child after several weeks of attempt is a sign to tell you that she is not ready.....don’t force her, rather back off, you can try again in a few weeks time.

TEESHAFO FOODS is an Organic Baby Food Manufacturing Company in Nigeria. We are duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, with our registered office address at 128, Nureni Yusuf Street, Kola-Alagbado, Lagos State.
We have a range of Organic Foods for babies from 6 months. Our products have been tried, tested and highly recommended.
To place your orders or for further enquiries, call 09023526527 or email fteeshafo@gmail.com.


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