
Showing posts from July, 2017


Eating habit is the way a person eats which can be considered in terms of what types of food are eaten, in what quantity and at what time. Poor eating habit in children is when children tend to have high quest for eating foods that are not healthy for them as against healthy foods that are good for their healthy growth and development. Parents unconsciously promote poor eating habits in children, these they do by giving their children foods that are high in sugar and fats. These foods are usually presented in form of snacks, just to bribe a crying child. This child might get accustomed to this trend, rather than eat real foods. It would get to a point where the child would throw tantrums just to get his desired bribe- junk food. Some parents even form the habits of giving junk food for comfort purposes, not because the childay is hungry. These are poor eating habits and they are harmful to the healthy growth and development of a child Parents should try as much as possi...


Ugwu leaves, also called pumpkin leaves, is a tropical vine plant common in West African countries. It is very palatable and filled with lots of nutrients. It is free from saturated fats or cholesterol, which is not good for the body system. Ugwu leaves have antioxidants, which act as protectors to the human immune system. Ugwu leaves are very important in children's diet because of the essential nutrients they contain. These nutrients are required for the proper growth and development of children.  Some of the importance of ugwu leaves on children are as follows: - It prevents and also serves as a cure for anemia: Anemia is a health condition in which there is deficiency of blood supply to the body system. This condition can be life threatening. Ugwu leaves come in handy because it is rich in iron. Iron is a red blood cell formating nutrient. - It boosts the immune system in children: The antioxidant present in ugwu leaves help the body to fight against bacteria. If the im...


Poop (feces) are the metabolic waste that your baby passes out from his/her digestive system through his/her anus. Poops could get solid, semi-solid, or liquid form. Poops vary significantly in appearance  (size, color and texture) depending on the state of the baby'seats digestive system,  diet and general well-being. It is very important for mothers to know that their baby's poop (color, size, texture or frequency) is determined largely by what they feed their babies with. The state of health of their babies also play a key role in what the baby's poop look like. There are several possible type of poops in babies. This article will look into some of them, their causes and solution. New born poop : This is the first poo passed out by a new born, few hours after his/her arrival. It is called meconium. It does not smell, it contains higher percentage of amniotic fluid, skin cells, mucus and some stuff ingested by the babies in the uterine. It is greenish and t...


Allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to substances. Allergies in children take place as a result of their contact with allergens. Allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions in children. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten or injected  (from insect's stings or medicine ) or they can come into contact with the skin. Allergens are commonly found in foods,  drinks or the environment. When children's immune system react to allergens,  the reactions bring about the release of an antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). This antibody produces certain body chemicals which in turn causes allergic reactions. Allergens are not harmful in themselves, the allergies happen in children because of the oversensitivity of their immune system to certain substances  (allergens) which, majority of people are not affected by. Allergies in children should be addressed, or treated,  allergies have a way of interfering with children's ability to sleep well, pla...


WHEN DO I INTRODUCE FOODS TO MY BABY?  Answer : It's best to wait until your baby is six months old before giving her solid food as well as her usual milk.  If you wait until she's six months old, there is less chance of her: picking up an infections from food. At six months, your baby's digestive system is more mature, as her immune system is stronger. If as a mother you feel your baby is hungry for food earlier than six months, it's worth offering her more of her usual milk first.  The Department of Health recommends exclusively breastfeeding your baby until she is six months old. After that, breastmilk on its own would not give your baby everything she needs, in particular, iron.  If you are already feeding your baby infant formula, there is no need to move to follow-on milk at any stage. When your baby is ready for solids, she will get the extra nutrients she needs from her first solid foods. No matter how hungry your baby see...


Healthy foods are foods that are densed with the essential nutrients needed for healthy growth and development in children, and the general well being of humans. Healthy foods are considered beneficial  to baby's/toddler's health because of the vital nutrients they contain. Healthy foods are natural foods, organic foods and whole foods. Example of these foods are: grain products, egg plant, malt, fish oil, herbal extract, honey, groundnut, fruits, vegetables etc. The crux of this write up is actually on how to get your toddler to eat healthy foods. Justice cannot be done to this topic, without having the knowledge of what healthy foods are. The need for your toddler to eat healthy foods cannot be over emphasised.  This is because the total well-being of your toddler is connected to the kind of foods he/she eats. Healthy foods are paramount in the life of your toddler, the reason is that, healthy eating promotes or enhances the optimal growth and development of your todd...


"Exclusive" according to the Oxford Dictionaries,  means "restricted ", "solely", "not admitting to other things". Exclusive breastfeeding can be defined as a process of giving only breast milk from mother to infant or babies during the first six months of the baby's life. It is called exclusive breastfeeding because the mother shuts out all other sources of nutrients to the baby i.e no juice, no baby formular, no water. The baby's survival is based solely on the breast milk from the mother'so breast. According to WHO, infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life in order to achieve optimal growth, development and good health. She however posits that exclusive breast feeding does not shut the door against the administration of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), drops and syrups (vitamins, minerals and medicines). These also are key players in the healthy growth and development of babies. The human breast...


FINGER FOODS: WHEN TO INTRODUCE IT. What are finger foods for babies? Any bite-size, easy-to-eat pieces of food that your baby can pick up and eat by herself or himself qualifies as a finger food. Eating finger food is fun for your baby, and an important step toward independence that also helps your baby develop his fine motor skills and coordination. Food play can get messy, but don't be too quick with the washcloth: Let your baby enjoy this important hands-on learning experience. When should I introduce finger foods to my baby? When your baby is between 8 and 9 months old, she'll probably let you know that she's ready to start feeding herself – by grabbing the spoon you're feeding her with or snatching food off your plate. At first, your baby may just rake food into her hand and bring it to her mouth, but eventually she'll figure out how to use her thumb and forefinger to pick up food. This fine motor skill is called the pincer grasp ...

How To Handle Picky Eaters

HANDLING PICKY EATERS Children who are picky eaters reject foods often or eat the same foods everytime. These set of babies usually display an unwillingness to try new foods or foods that contain even a minute amount of any food they detest. Picky eating is a normal rite of passage. It is not uncommon among toddlers to demonstrate at some point some level of pickiness. That your baby refuses a particular food you are dishing up rarely has anything to do with the food itself. Although the knowledge of what is behind the usual refusal, can help you push through a finicky phase much faster. SIGNS YOUR BABY/CHILD IS A PICKY EATER The major indicator that your bundle of joy is a picky eater may be your child's  reactions to mealtime. Some of these reactions are: pushing away of the spoon while you try to feed him/her, turning away of his/her head from you just to avoided being fed, closing of his/her mouth, spitting out of food, being cranky, etc. Your baby's food sens...


TEESHAFO FOODS is a leading and fast growing baby food manufacturing company in Nigeria. At Teeshafo Foods,  the general well being of children is our utmost concern. We have a wide range of baby food products. Millgate is one of our nourishing  products. It is uniquely packed/produced because of its high content of nutrients. It is very important  that every mother that loves her child includes millgate in her child's diet/meals. Millgate is produced with three natural ingredients. These ingredients (Millet, Maize and Groundnut ) are necessary and important for the continuous and healthy growth of babies. Simply put, Millgate is essential  for the total well being of babies. MILLET: Millet is a seed crop that is rich in nutrients such as calcium and folic acid. Calcium is good for babies,  it helps them build healthy and strong bones. Folic acid helps in the formation of red blood cells. The intake of millet in babies prevents them from a disease cal...


IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIC FOODS ON MALNOURISHED BABIES For composite foods to be labelled as organic, at least 95% of the ingredients  must come from organically produced plants or animals. These are foods that are not usually processed using irradiation, industrial sokvents/synthetic food additives. Children or babies who are fed with organic foods are shielded from the harmful exposure to their immune systems, bodies and brains. It also prevents issues like developmentdelays, behavioural disordrrs , autism, immune system harm and motor  dysfunction.  Malnutrition us a condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of vitamins,  minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function.   Studies have shown and proved that the leading cause of death in children in developing countries is protein energy malnutrition. This type of malnutrition  is the result of inadequate ...

Benefits of Millet, Crayfish and Maize

MILLGATE contains a combination of Millet, Crayfish and Maize. Benefits of Millet, Crayfish and Maize MAIZE : Maize also known as corn, is high in dietary fibre. It is good for digestion and easy bowel movement. It prevents anaemia (a health condition caused by the deficiency of vitamin b12 and folic acid). It contains a high amount of carbohydrates, which provides energy. Carbohydrates also ensures proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system. It facilitates weight gain, it is calorie dense, also rich in carbs which help to bulk up your body. It improves the human connective tissues i.e bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilages. This benefit is derived from the trace of mineral manganese present in maize. Maize is good for babies and children because it gives them energy weight gain and strong bones. It also improves their vision because of the carotenoids content. It prevents skin problems, it combats hair loss and dryness. It is ideal for maintenance of he...
Pap is one of the first weaning meals, introduced to babies in Nigeria. The Igbos call it “akamu” The yorubas call it “ogi” The Hausas call it “koko” Another kind of baby food that is even much more nutritious than the brown pap, is our Soya Beans Better Gain. The Soya Beans Better Gain can be cooked in pap form. Apart from corn, millet and guinea corn,it also contains soya beans, dryfish, crayfish and groundnut.These extra ingredients offer proteins, vitamins and minerals that are very essential for baby’s growth and development.